Building Confidence in Live Event Bottle Painting

I am excited to introduce Rancy Wang, the talented artist behind Calligraphy by Rancy!

Rancy shares her inspiring journey of going from a beginner painter with no experience to live bottle painting for luxury brands.

She is a full-time artist she specializes in calligraphy engraving bottle painting and Chinese calligraphy and has also worked with brands such as Tiffany's, Netflix, Disney, and so much more! Learn how she overcame her fears and pushed through the challenges to create some of the most beautiful painted fragrance bottles.

If you need some inspo, look no further. Rancy's inspiring journey and beautiful artwork are sure to leave you feeling energized and motivated to pursue your painting passions! If you prefer to watch the detailed interview, click the link above.

Let’s get into it!

M: How did it feel to jump into something without knowing like how to do it?

R: “You know it wasn't like nervousness or anxiety or anything like that because when I purchase a course, I put my trust into the instructor, I put my trust and my faith into the course, because you know that’s what you’re investing into. So I saw it as an investment in my own growth whether as a hobbyist painter or as a professional painter”

M: What was like the one thing that you found most difficult about bottle painting? And how did you overcome that?

R: “Definitely nothing comes without challenges. I think for bottle painting specifically, it was really hard to understand how I could get the right color gradients on to my brush, and once they were onto my brush, then the next step was transferring it from paper to glass. But what’s interesting about glass is that they are either round or are some kind of rectangular shape or square shape with sides, which makes it challenging.

In the beginning I was only painting on the front side of the fragrance bottle but, I was always unhappy about my composition and colors. But as time went by I got more confident to try new techniques. I also saw you (Michelle) doing it and I was like oh how cool, I can do that too. But it got better over time and and a large part of it has to do with your (Michelle) teachings along with experience and practice.”

M: What was it like to perform bottle painting in front of customers for the first time?

R: I remember the first time I got the request, I was like so thrilled and nervous at the same time because I just had to go in there, present myself with confidence, and appear like I know what I'm doing. But I can't say I don't know what I'm doing, I still do, but you just have to blow up your confidence in a way that you’ve done it before.

A few days leading up to it, I was under a lot of mental stress. I was thinking, I know what's going to happen, but how am I gonna get there? What is going to happen if I feel really stressed out? It was something new for me - it's not engraving, it's not calligraphy, it's definitely not Chinese calligraphy. But my first experience was so amazing! It was just like everything worked out. I think I produced pretty good work because everybody loved it! I also surprised myself on how quickly I can pick it up.

After the first experience, it got less and less stressful. Now it's kind of like second nature to me. If someone wants to book me, I'm really thrilled and thankful. I just go there and give my best. Thinking back, it is a huge growth from my first event to now. I'm actually really comfortable and I look forward to every event. When I'm driving on the road I'm like “Yay I'm going to another bottle of painting event. I can't believe this is what I do and I earn money from what I love.”

M: What is one thing that you absolutely love? The thing that keeps you going and keeps you coming back

R: Definitely the reactions from customers and the pure joy of creating art. Before, I was focused on the bottle knowing that I need to make people happy and not make a mistake. Since I focused so much on that, there was a little less joy because it's new to me. But after time goes by, the fear goes away and I could enjoy the process of the creation.

M: Was there anything FBP did to help you overcome those fears?

R: I found comfort in something in the course and how to prep for yourself for on-site events. You even show us how you pack your supplies. Which was so useful because it would have taken me much longer to figure it out.

I also love that your course provides so many shortcuts! The best way I can put it is your reminders. When you say “Rancy your work is really good for the amount of time you've only put into it.” I see your work and I want to be there someday. You're living proof that gives me the confidence and motivation to keep going.

M: Since adding bottle painting to your list of services, what kind of changes have you seen since then?

R: I can tell you by now, it's crazy. When I look at my monthly calendar at all of my events, 60-70% of them are bottle painting! I just thought “oh my gosh, what if I hadn't joined your course back then!” When I joined, I was just thrilled to learn something new. Now knowing what I know, and the business revenue it brings me, is just mind-blowing!

I'm really glad to have found bottle painting at a time where the industry is trending. I feel like I hopped on the train - I hopped on a bullet train actually - and the train just went * imitates train sound *

M: You got first class tickets (on the bottle painting bullet train)

R: No one is going to force you to take this train. You see it coming and you make a decision if you want to hop on or not. Once you do hop on, you have to put in the hard work. Just because you take a course it doesn't mean that you’re going to go far. You need to practice and bring out your own style in order to go far.

M: Any last minute advice for a brand new bottle painter?

R: Don't hold back if you have if your doubts. Even if you don't think your skill level is there, that's what this course is for. It will help build your skill to a point where you can handle an on-site event or even as a hobby.

There are 2 types of students - some have a painting background and the others have no experience. I would say that Michelle's course caters to both types! So I think whether you're a hobbyist or especially if you really want to get into on-site bottle painting, there is no question and no better course out there, it's Michelle it's FBP.

Hop on bullet train with us. It'll take you it'll take you far and possibly present opportunities to you, just like it did with me!

Fundamentals of Bottle Painting Course

Learn more here!


How To Care For Your Bottle Painting Brushes!


Event-ready Bottle Painting Brushes