How To Care For Your Bottle Painting Brushes!

How to care for your FBP brushes!

As an artist, caring for and maintaining your brushes are as important as having the right ones. This is to ensure they last longer and maintain their shape and usability, which ultimately helps you better create your visions. If you haven’t purchased a set, you can get yours now here.

Here are some tips to help you care for your FBP brushes.

Round brushes well shaped vs misshapen

Left: Dried and stored accordingly vs Right: Misshapen bristles


  • Make sure you always give them a good wash. After you’ve finished painting, give your brushes a gentle rinse in warm water.

  • You can use mild soap or brush cleaner to get rid of any stubborn paint. (We recommend “The Masters” brush cleaner and preserver

  • Rinse thoroughly and reshape the bristles while they’re still wet.

  • Gently blot them with a paper towel to get rid of any excess water.

  • Lay them flat so that no water collects in the ferrule.


  • Ensure you store them in a clean dry place where they won’t get damaged.

  • If you are keeping them in a bag or container, ensure the bristles are fully dried before storing them away.

  • The best way is to store them with the bristles facing upwards or horizontally to prevent them from getting misshapen.

*Pro tip* Get a brush holder or organiser to keep them in shape.

The best way is to store your brushes with the bristles facing upwards or horizontally to prevent them from getting misshapen.


  • Standing them upright in a jar – this can cause water to seep into the ferrule, causing the glue holding the bristle in place to dissolve and damage the brush.

  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, which can cause the bristles to become brittle and break.

  • Do not use them to scrape or scratch your painting surface or palette. This will cause the bristles to fray or bend, resulting in rough, uneven stroke.

Keep in mind:

  • Different brushes are best suited for different tasks, so make sure to choose the right one for what you’re painting! This will help you bring your creations to life and keep your brushes from getting damaged.

  • Be gentle with your brushes. Be kind to them and they will be kind to you! – also great life advice right here.

  • Eventually, even with proper care, brushes will wear out and need to be replaced. Best time to replace them is when they start to fray, lose their shape or become difficult to clean.

Be kind to your brushes and they will be kind to you!

Follow these steps, and you’ll be able to care for your Fundamental Bottle Painting brushes like a pro.

We hope you will continue to create beautiful work with our brushes and share your formation with us on Instagram @bottlepainting.

Happy painting!


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