Bottle Painting Bottle Painting

What is Bottle Painting?

What is bottle painting?

Bottle painting is the art of ‘decorating’ glass bottles with various colours and designs using different techniques with multi surface acrylic paint. It involves painting the exterior surface of the bottle to create beautiful, personalised designs.

Bottle painting is also versatile, and can be done on different types of glass bottles such as wine, champagne and perfumes. However, this technique is not limited to glass surfaces. Artists have offered expand their services to include boxes, plastic and even wood surfaces.

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Bottle Painting Bottle Painting

Some of Our Favourite On-Site Tools for Bottle Painting

Did you just book yourself an on-site bottle painting gig? Congrats on the win! Now, the real question is, what will you be taking with you to site?

Here are some tools that we at FBP think are helpful and important (and love!)

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Bottle Painting Bottle Painting

Paint Saver Palette (Box) Saves The Day!

A paint saver box is designed to help artists save their paint from drying out too quickly. Instead of using a traditional flat palette, which exposes paint to the air and can cause them to dry out, the paint saver box has an air tight and sealed cover that helps to keep the moisture in, and keep the paint fresh and usable for a longer period of time. As such, this is great for acrylic paint users.

Here are some of the reasons why we love our paint saver box as live event artists!

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Bottle Painting Bottle Painting

Best Multi-Surface Acrylic Paint for Bottle Painting

As live event artists, the FBP team has done many scratch and performance experiments of many different multi surface acrylic paints to ensure we deliver the highest quality of results for our clients.

The main factors we take into consideration to rate our favourite acrylic paint brands are quality, price, durability and variety.

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Bottle Painting Bottle Painting

Building Confidence in Live Event Bottle Painting

Meet Rancy, the talented artist behind Calligraphy by Rancy!

Rancy shares her inspiring journey of going from a beginner painter with no experience to live bottle painting for luxury brands.

Learn how she overcame her fears and pushed through the challenges to create some of the most beautiful painted fragrance bottles. You can tell she loves what she does and her success really shows.

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Learn to create bespoke, eye-catching designs that enhance the brand's image and convey luxury and quality